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“IDF Alerts Gaza Residents to Evacuate Amid Intensified Operations Against Hamas: A Comprehensive Report”

IDF Spokesperson:

Following Hamas’ attempts to restore its terror capabilities and infrastructures, and the presence of terror operatives in the area, the IDF this morning called the population in Jabaliya and neighboring territories to temporarily move to shelters west of the city of Gaza. The move was made to distance the residents from the battlefield in accordance with international law.

In continuation of the IDF’s operations in the area east of Rafah and with the approval of the political echelon, and in light of Hamas‘ terror activities and rocket fire from the area, the IDF has called for the population of additional areas in the eastern neighborhoods of Rafah to temporarily move to the expanded humanitarian area in Mawasi. So far, about 300,000 Gazans have moved to the expanded humanitarian area in Mawasi.

The evacuation operations were carried out by leaflet drops, SMS messages, phone calls, and Arabic media broadcasts.

The IDF continues to act against the Hamas terror organization, which uses the residents of Gaza as a human shield for its terror activities and infrastructures.

Attached is a graphic of the temporary evacuation of the residents of Jabaliya and the neighborhoods in the area:

Attached is an infographic about the temporary evacuation of residents of Jabaliya and the neighborhoods in the area:

Attached is a picture of the leaflet:

Attached is the translation of the leaflet:

Urgent Warning,
To all residents and refugees in the Jabaliya area and the neighborhoods of Al-Salam, Al-Nour, Tal Al-Zaatar, Project Bayt Lahia, Jabaliya Refugee Camp, Azbat Melin, Al-Rocha, Al-Nuzha and Al-Jarn, Al-Nahda and Al-Zhur.

You are in a dangerous combat zone!

The IDF is about to act strongly against terrorist organizations in your area.
Anyone in these areas endangers himself and his family.
For your safety – you are requested to immediately move to shelters west of Gaza City.
A total ban is imposed on approaching the security fence.
Approaching the fence endangers your lives and your peace.
Israel Defense Forces.

Attached is a graphic of the temporary evacuation from additional areas in eastern Rafah to the expanded humanitarian area:

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