Children, women and men, citizens Hamas Murdered them

October 7th
Massacre Victims

讗值诇 诪指诇值讗 专址讞植诪执讬诐 砖讈讜讻值谉 讘址旨诪职旨专讜诪执讬诐, 讛址诪职爪值讗 诪职谞讜旨讞指讛 谞职讻讜谞指讛 注址诇 讻址旨谞职驻值讬 讛址砖职旨讈讻执讬谞指讛 讘址旨诪址旨注植诇讜转 拽职讚讜砖执讈讬诐 讜旨讟职讛讜专执讬诐
讻职旨讝讛址专 讛指专指拽执讬注址 诪址讝职讛执讬专执讬诐 讗侄转 谞执砖职讈诪讜转 讻指旨诇 讛址拽职旨讚讜砖执讈讬诐 砖侄讈谞执旨专职爪职讞讜旨 讘职旨专址讞植讘值讬 讗侄专侄抓 讬执砖职讉专指讗值诇,
讘址旨讚职旨专指讻执讬诐 讜旨讘址砖职旨讈讜指拽执讬诐, 讘址旨讬职旨砖讈讜旨讘执讬诐 讜旨讘侄注指专执讬诐, 讘址旨讛植讙指谞指讛 讜旨讘址诪执旨砖职讈诪指专.
讘值旨讬谞值讬讛侄诐 谞职注指专执讬诐 讜旨讝职拽值谞执讬诐, 讟址祝 讜职谞指砖执讈讬诐, 讛讜专执讬诐 注址诇 讬址诇职讚值讬讛侄诐, 讘职旨注指诇执讬诐 注执诐 谞职砖讈讜转值讬讛侄诐, 诪讜专执讬诐 讜职转址诇职诪执讬讚值讬讛侄诐,
砖侄讈谞侄旨讛侄专职讙讜旨 讘职旨诪执讬转讜转 诪职砖只讈谞旨讜转 讜职讗址讻职讝指专执讬旨讜转,
讘指旨讗值砖讈 讜旨讘址讞侄专侄讘, 讘址旨住职旨拽执讬诇指讛 讜旨讘址砖职旨讉专值驻指讛, 讘执旨讬职旨专执讬旨讜转 诪值讛址诪址旨讗植专指讘 讜旨讘职驻执讙旨讜旨注值讬 转旨驻侄转,
注址诇 讬职讚值讬 驻执旨专职讗值讬 讗指讚指诐 讛址讘指旨讗执讬诐 诇职谞址砖职旨讈诇值谞讜旨 诪值讗址专职爪值谞讜旨 讜旨诇职讛址讻职旨讞执讬讚值谞讜旨.

We are committed to providing the most accurate information possible regarding victims of October 7th.
Our information is compiled from publicly available sources that we believe to be reliable.
However, we acknowledge that information can change, and we are constantly working to update and improve our database.
We rely on the dedication of our volunteers to ensure the accuracy and completeness of this information resource.

We are currently building a memorial page for each of the victims of the October 7th massacre.
This is an ongoing effort, and it will take time to document the stories of each victim.
Our dedicated team of volunteers works tirelessly to ensure that every voice is heard and preserved.

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