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“IDF and Shin Bet Intensify Anti-Terror Operations: A Response to Al-Zaeem Checkpoint Attack”

IDF Spokesperson:

Just few hours after the attack this morning, IDF forces, the Shin Bet, and Border Police are operating in the village from which the terrorists who carried out the attack came.

Following the attack at Al-Zaeem checkpoint this morning, in recent hours, IDF forces, Shin Bet, and Border police are investigating and detaining suspects in the nearby village of Zaatara near Bethlehem, from which the terrorists who carried out this morning’s attack came.

IDF forces are intensifying their hold on the area, spread out and ready throughout Judea and Samaria to suppress terrorist activities and protect the citizens of the State of Israel, and will continue to do so at all times.

Attached is a link for a briefing by the commanding officer of the Tabor Battalion, Colonel Gai:

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