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HomeHamas SupportersNabeel Rajab

Nabeel Rajab

Nabeel Rajab, while positioning himself as a human rights activist, has demonstrated troubling support for terrorist organizations like Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). These groups are responsible for countless acts of terrorism, including the murder and targeting of innocent civilians, especially Israelis. Rajab’s stance, in refusing to condemn these groups and at times aligning with their narrative, reveals a clear sympathy for their violent objectives.

By standing with Hamas and Hezbollah, Rajab is not advocating for peace or human rights—he is aligning himself with organizations that seek the destruction of Israel and are actively engaged in terrorism. His continued support for groups like the IRGC, which provides military and financial backing to these terrorist organizations, further highlights his alignment with violent extremism.

He Stands With

Hamas Terror OrganizationHamas
Hezbollah Terror Organization Flag
The Islamic Republic of Iran: A Terrorist RegimeIRGC

Even More Hamas Supporters

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