idf spokesperson

translated updates from the IDF

IDF spokesman update – 18.05, evening

HomeIDF SpokespersonIDF spokesman update – 18.05, evening

Rescue of Ron Benjamin

This evening, I update that the body of the Israeli hostage Ron Benjamin, may his memory be a blessing, was also recovered in a joint operation by the IDF and Shin Bet. Ron, aged 53, married to Ayelet and father to Shai and Gil, had gone out on a Saturday morning bike ride with his friend near Re’i Roni on October 7th when he was brutally murdered by Hamas terrorists in a bulldozer ambush. His body was then taken to Gaza. Similarly, the bodies of Yitzhak Shani and Amit, may their memories be blessings, were recovered and returned to Israel for burial yesterday.

Support for the Families

We are embracing and supporting the families of Benjamin, Galranter, Log, and Boskila during these difficult times. The cruelty of Hamas in October was directed against everyone who stood in the way of the murderous terrorists—women, the elderly, children, whether Israelis or foreign nationals.

Ongoing Efforts

The commanders and fighters are focused on the 128 hostages still held in Gaza. IDF and Shin Bet forces continue to fight resolutely to create the conditions for the return of the hostages and bring them back to Israel as quickly as possible.

Continued Combat

Over the Sabbath, we fought throughout the Gaza Strip, and the combat continues even now, as well as on the northern border and under the Central Command.

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