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IDF Spokesperson Update – 05.26, evening

HomeIDF SpokespersonIDF Spokesperson Update – 05.26, evening

Casualty Announcement

Tonight, we mournfully announce the loss of First Sergeant Tzur Sudai and First Sergeant Bezalel Tzvi Kovetz, may their memory be a blessing. They fell in battles in the Gaza Strip. We extend our deepest condolences and continuous support to their families during this difficult time.

Continued IDF Engagement Across Gaza

IDF forces persist in combatting throughout all parts of the Gaza Strip. Today, Hamas militants fired eight rockets toward the Gush Dan and Sharon regions; some were intercepted, and others caused damage due to shrapnel. As IDF forces approached, Hamas militants exhausted their munitions and launched the rockets from within civilian populations, a recurring pattern in areas where we operate.

Counterterrorism Efforts

Our forces continue precise operations against terror in Rafah, attacking launch sites, striking terror infrastructure, and eliminating terrorists. In northern Gaza, IDF forces continue to engage in Jabalia, where they raided terror infrastructures today, uncovering numerous weapons and documents now under intelligence investigation. Additionally, today in Southern Lebanon, IDF forces neutralized seven Hezbollah militants in several air strikes. We will continue to aggressively target any terror threats posed to Israel by Hezbollah and other entities.

23rd Day of War: Kidnapped Individuals

Today marks the 23rd day of the ongoing war, with 125 kidnapped individuals. We are making every effort to create conditions for their swift return. Forces in the field are gathering more information about their situation as we have done so far, and we will continue to update all relevant information available to us.

Military and Political Oversight

Regarding the establishment of a budget committee as demanded by Finance Minister Smotrich, which may also delay the approval of the defense budget, this is a critical issue. The operation we saw from Iran, launching ballistic missiles toward Israel, compels us to accelerate our procurement and actions against Iranians and other regional actors who wish to act against Israel. This acceleration is essential for the state’s security.

Controversial Statements by a Reservist

Regarding the video incident involving a reservist recording severe statements, this act contradicts military orders and is a matter of grave concern. It is currently under investigation by the military police and is deserving of severe condemnation.

Question from Channel 13 News

Is the action in Rafah expected to drive Hamas to a hostage deal?

Our operations and efforts regarding the kidnapped are ongoing around the clock, both in Rafah and other areas. We have dual roles: to gather intelligence and to act to create conditions that will allow us to return the kidnapped. Part of this is happening in Rafah and elsewhere. Additionally, regarding comments about Major General Nitzan Alon, he is performing his duties faithfully around the clock, operating under political leadership directives. To my knowledge, the statements made were not as reported, and it is better to leave such discussions between commanders and the commanded, rather than in the media.

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