IDF soldiers, together with Shin Bet and Border Police, have arrested 17 wanted individuals across Judea and Samaria last night, seizing numerous weapons.
Reserve IDF soldiers operating in the villages of Azzun and Ni’lin in the Ephraim Brigade area arrested ten wanted individuals and also seized numerous weapons. During the operation in Azzun, explosive charges that were found in a vehicle in the area were destroyed.
In the city of Shechem in the Samaria Brigade area, forces arrested three wanted individuals and confiscated weapons. In operations in Husan village in the Etzion brigade, and in Kifl Hares village in the Samaria Brigade, numerous suspects were investigated.
The arrested individuals were transferred for further interrogation by security forces. There were no injuries to our forces.
To date, since the start of the war, over 2,600 wanted individuals have been arrested across the Judea and Samaria Division and the Jordan Valley and the Valleys Brigade. Approximately 1,300 of them are affiliated with the terror organization Hamas.