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“Decisive IDF Strike: Fighter Jets and Artillery Target Hezbollah’s Terror Infrastructure in Wadi Saluki”

IDF Spokesperson:

A combined attack using fighter jets and artillery in the Wadi Saluki region; dozens of military buildings and infrastructure of the Hezbollah terror organization were targeted.

The IDF recently concluded a combined attack against multiple targets of the Hezbollah terror organization in the Wadi Saluki area in southern Lebanon, using fighter jets and artillery.

In a short time, dozens of positions, military buildings, and warfare infrastructures of the Hezbollah terror organization were targeted.

Hezbollah extensively utilized the Wadi area for terrorist purposes and concealed dozens of means and terrorist infrastructures aimed at harming civilians and soldiers in the forested area.

Attached is documentation of artillery attacks on the Lebanon border:

Attached is a link to the Chief of the Land Fire Branch in the Northern Command, Brigadier General Y’:

Attached is a link to the Commander of the battery in the Artillery Corps, Colonel (res.) D’:

Attached are infographics on the subject:

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