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“IDF and Border Patrol Thwart Terror Activity: 3,000 Arrests and Counting in Central Command”

IDF Spokesman:

About 3,000 suspects have been arrested since the start of the war in the Central Command; IDF reserve soldiers and Border patrol have completed an operation to thwart popular terror in Khussan village in the Gush Etzion brigade.

After more than 16 hours, hundreds of IDF reserve soldiers and Border Patrol completed an operation at night to thwart popular terror in Khussan village in the Gush Etzion brigade.
As part of the operation, the soldiers arrested 13 suspects, investigated dozens more suspect individuals and confiscated incitement materials of terror organizations.

In addition, last night in another operation in the Gush Etzion brigade, soldiers located and confiscated materials for making explosives.

In Jamal village in the Ephraim brigade and in Marg Najeh in the Valley and Plains brigade, two more suspects were arrested.

The arrested suspects were transferred for further investigation by the security forces, there were no casualties to our forces.

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