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“IDF and Shin Bet Neutralize Three Key Hamas Operatives in Central Gaza: Sons of Political Bureau Head Among Targets”

Joint statement from the IDF spokesperson and the Shin Bet spokesperson:

The IDF and Shin Bet have eliminated three Hamas operatives from the military wing of the terror organization in central Gaza Strip

Earlier today (Wednesday), an Israeli Air Force aircraft attacked, under the Intelligence Direction of the IDF and the Shin Bet, three military operatives of the Hamas terror organization, who were on their way to carry out terror activities in the central area of the Gaza Strip.

The three operatives who were attacked are Amir Haniya, a commander of a cell in the military wing of Hamas, Muhammad Haniya, a military activist in the terror organization, and Hazam Haniya, another military activist in the terror organization.

The IDF confirms that the operatives were the three sons of Ismail Haniya, the head of Hamas’s political bureau.

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