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“Elimination of Hamas Terror Commander and Arrest of Seven Fugitives by IDF, Shin Bet & Border Police”

IDF spokesperson:

The IDF, Shin Bet and Border Police eliminated the commander of the Hamas terror infrastructure in Tubas last night; the forces took down another terrorist and arrested seven fugitives across Judea and Samaria, in the Jordan Valley and the Valleys Brigade.

Last night, IDF, Shin Bet and Border Police, in a brigade operation in the Jordan Valley and surrounding valleys, eliminated Mohammad Omar Dariama, head of the Hamas terror infrastructure in Tubas. Mohammad was a key Hamas activist in the area and had spent the recent months promoting significant terror activities against Israel. During the operation, Dariama fired at the forces which returned fire and eliminated him. Many weapons were seized from his vehicle, including guns and additional military equipment.

During the brigade operation, terrorists threw explosives and fired at the forces who responded with gunfire and identified hits. The forces took down an additional terrorist who tried to harm them, detained two fugitives, and seized weapons. During the operation, the forces uncovered explosives that had been buried beneath roads to harm our forces.

Simultaneously, the forces worked overnight to arrest five more fugitives across Judea and Samaria. In Tulkarm of the Menashe Brigade, the forces arrested a fugitive and seized two M-4 type weapons. In the village of ‘Anata of Binyamin, two fugitives were arrested and weapons were confiscated. In the village of Funduq in the Samaria Brigade, and in the village of Beit ‘Awwa in the Judea Brigade, the forces arrested two more fugitives.

The arrested fugitives and the confiscated weapons have been handed over for further treatment to the security forces, our forces suffered no casualties.

So far, since the beginning of the war, approximately 3,700 fugitives have been arrested across the Judea and Samaria Division and in the Jordan Valley and the Valleys Brigade, about 1,600 of whom are affiliated with the Hamas terror organization.

Attached is documentation of the forces’ activities in the Jordan Valley and the Valleys Brigade:

Attached are pictures of the weapons found in the terrorist’s vehicle:

Attached are pictures from the forces’ activities:

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