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“IDF Thwarts Hamas Terror Objectives: Gains Control of Rafah Crossing, Destroys Underground Infrastructure and Eliminates 20 Terrorists”

IDF Spokesperson:

IDF forces led by Brigade 162 began a targeted operation to frustrate the terror objectives of the Hamas terror organization in eastern Rafah; as part of this operation, the forces managed to gain operative control of the Rafah crossing point on the Gaza side due to intelligence information about terrorists using the crossing for terror purposes.

IDF forces led by Brigade 162, began tonight (Monday) following intelligence direction from ISA and AMAN, a targeted operation in specific areas in eastern Rafah against Hamas terror infrastructures.

As part of the operation, forces from the 401 Brigade Combat Team gained operational control over the Rafah crossing on the Gaza side, east of Rafah, following intelligence information that terrorists were using the crossing area for terrorist purposes.
On Sunday, mortars were fired from the crossing area towards the Kerem Shalom crossing, as a result of which four IDF soldiers were killed and others were injured.

As part of the operation, Air Force fighter jets and forces from the 215th Artillery Brigade attacked and destroyed Hamas terror targets including military buildings, underground infrastructure, and additional terror infrastructure from which Hamas operated in the Rafah area. So far, about 20 terrorists have been killed during the operation. Our forces have so far located three operational tunnels in the area. There are no casualties amongst our forces.

Prior to the beginning of the activity, coordination was made with the international organizations operating in the field, asking them to move to the humanitarian zone, as part of an effort to evacuate the population that has been unfolding in recent hours.

The 401 Brigade Combat Team and the Givati Brigade Combat Team continue to operate in the field against terrorists and terror infrastructures.

Attached is documentation of the entrance by the 401 Brigade Combat Team into the Rafah crossing on the Gaza side:

Attached are photos of the entrance by the 401 Brigade Combat Team into the Rafah crossing on the Gaza side:

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