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“IDF and Shin Bet Conduct Successful Joint Operation: 7 Terror Suspects Arrested in Judea and Samaria”

IDF Spokesperson:

Last night, IDF soldiers, in conjunction with the Shin Bet and Border Police, arrested seven wanted individuals throughout Judea and Samaria. In Jenin, in the Menashe Brigade area, forces operated to uncover buried explosives. During the operation, terrorists fired at the soldiers, who responded with fire. In the Adama area and Tel, in Samaria, the forces arrested three wanted individuals who incited terror, and in Husan in Etzion the soldiers arrested two additional wanted individuals.

In the El-Amari region of the Binyamin Brigade, the forces arrested a wanted man suspected of terrorist activity, and in the Beituniya, within the brigade’s jurisdiction, a suspect who was engaged in throwing explosives was arrested.

The arrested suspects have been transferred for further treatment by the security forces, no injuries to our forces were reported.

Since the beginning of the war, approximately 4,000 wanted individuals have been arrested throughout the Judea and Samaria Brigade and in the Valley and the Plains Brigade, about 1,700 of them are associated with the Hamas terrorist organization.

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