Anti-Tank Missile Fired from an UNRWA School

HomeKnow Your EnemiesUNRWAAnti-Tank Missile Fired from an UNRWA School

In response to an anti-tank missile fired from an UNRWA school at IDF troops, the 12th Brigade combat team conducted an operation within the school complex, which also housed a mosque and a medical clinic. During the operation, while sweeping and clearing the medical clinic, troops encountered two explosive charges set in booby-trapped tunnel shafts. Tragically, one of the explosions claimed the lives of three soldiers from the 50th Battalion of the Nahal Brigade: Staff Sergeant Amir Galilove, Staff Sergeant Uri Bar Or, and Staff Sergeant Ido Appel.

The operation also uncovered a significant cache of weapons within the school complex, including firearms and grenades. Inside the classrooms, troops discovered tunnel shafts leading to an extensive network of underground terror tunnels, further revealing the extent of Hamas’ exploitation of civilian structures for its terrorist activities.

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