Failed Hamas Launches From the Humanitarian Area Hit the UNRWA ‘Al-Qarara’ school


The Hamas terrorist organization attempted to launch multiple projectiles from the Humanitarian Area in Khan Yunis, but the launches failed, causing the rockets to fall short and strike the area around the UNRWA ‘Al-Qarara’ school. As a result, the school sustained multiple hits, leading to reports from international humanitarian organizations of two civilian deaths and several injuries. In response, the injured were evacuated, with coordination between the Coordination and Liaison Administration to Gaza in COGAT and the World Health Organization (WHO), to receive immediate medical treatment at the International Medical Corps (IMC) field hospital in Deir al-Balah, established during the conflict.

The continued rocket fire by Hamas endangers both Israeli and Gazan civilians, causing significant damage to international humanitarian infrastructure and violating international law. This incident underscores the reckless nature of Hamas’ actions, which not only threaten lives but also compromise the safety and functionality of critical humanitarian facilities in the region.


UNRWA, which stands for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, is a UN agency established in 1949 to provide support and assistance to Palestinian refugees


UNRWA’s ideology is increasingly seen as aligning with the objectives of Hamas despite its claims of neutrality. The agency perpetuates an anti-Israel agenda through its education system, indoctrinating children with extremist views that glorify violence and martyrdom.
Hamas operatives are working for and with UNRWA’s staff, turning the organization into a vehicle for advancing Hamas’ goals under the guise of humanitarian aid.

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