Tunnel Route Discovered Near UNRWA School in Rafah


In recent weeks, the 12th Brigade, operating under the command of the 162nd Division, has been conducting precise, intelligence-driven operations in the Rafah area. These efforts have focused on thwarting terrorist activities, eliminating terrorists, and dismantling terrorist infrastructure.

During these operations, soldiers discovered several significant tunnel shafts leading to an extensive tunnel network. Yahalom soldiers investigated the route, which spans 500 meters and runs close to an UNRWA school. Additionally, last night, soldiers from the 931st Battalion conducted searches in the area, uncovering nine rocket launchers, which were subsequently neutralized.


UNRWA, which stands for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, is a UN agency established in 1949 to provide support and assistance to Palestinian refugees


UNRWA’s ideology is increasingly seen as aligning with the objectives of Hamas despite its claims of neutrality. The agency perpetuates an anti-Israel agenda through its education system, indoctrinating children with extremist views that glorify violence and martyrdom.
Hamas operatives are working for and with UNRWA’s staff, turning the organization into a vehicle for advancing Hamas’ goals under the guise of humanitarian aid.

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