UNRWAs Role in Hamas Tyranny and the Death of a Gazan Civilian

HomeKnow Your EnemiesUNRWAUNRWAs Role in Hamas Tyranny and the Death of a Gazan Civilian

UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency), a body funded and operated under the United Nations, continues to stand exposed for its integral role in facilitating terrorism in Gaza. Far from being a neutral humanitarian organization, evidence increasingly shows that UNRWA collaborates with Hamas, aiding in their military endeavors and contributing to a cycle of violence and suffering. Recent testimonies from Gazan civilians collected by officers of Unit 504 reveal the extent of UNRWA’s complicity and how deeply intertwined it is with Hamas’s terror machine.

Civilians and the Deadly Grip of Hamas, with UNRWA’s Shadow

Testimonies from Gaza illustrate the horrifying reality faced by civilians. In one account, a man shared that his cousin was murdered by Hamas simply for seeking help from UNRWA. This brutal act exposes Hamas’s control strategy, where even the act of seeking aid is met with lethal force. Yet, it is UNRWA’s hand in enabling this terror that cannot be ignored. By turning a blind eye—or worse, facilitating Hamas’s operations—UNRWA has proven itself more than a bystander; it is a collaborator in sustaining oppression.

Another civilian recounted how he remained trapped at home, paralyzed by the fear that Hamas would seize his property for use in attacks against Israel, an action that would lead to its destruction. This paints a damning picture of how civilian lives and properties are hijacked for military purposes, with UNRWA serving as a silent accomplice.

Stealing Aid with UNRWA’s Cover

A Gazan employee of an American humanitarian organization detailed how Hamas systematically steals food and equipment meant for civilian aid, including supplies from UNRWA warehouses. This is no isolated incident but a chronic issue where humanitarian aid is rerouted to fuel Hamas’s militant objectives. The fact that UNRWA fails to secure its resources, allowing them to be repeatedly commandeered by terrorists, shows either gross negligence or willful complicity.

UNRWA: Facilitator of Terrorism

UNRWA’s ties to Hamas go beyond passive negligence. The agency’s facilities and resources have long been implicated in supporting Hamas’s military infrastructure, such as providing storage for weapons and materials and aiding in tunnel-building projects. The organization has become a channel through which Hamas sustains its campaign of violence. UNRWA’s true purpose is stark: to perpetuate the refugee status of Palestinians, foster anti-Israel sentiment, and serve as a shield for Hamas’s objectives, including the broader aim of eradicating Jews worldwide.

The accounts from Gaza emphasize the dire need for immediate international intervention and oversight of UNRWA’s operations. It is no longer sufficient to view UNRWA as a flawed aid agency—it must be recognized as a body that, knowingly or otherwise, aids and abets terrorism. Reforming or replacing such an organization is essential to ensure that aid reaches those who need it without empowering terrorist factions.

Israel’s ongoing efforts to highlight these realities reveal the complex battlefield it faces. With organizations like UNRWA working under the veneer of humanitarianism while abetting Hamas, the stakes are higher than ever. The global community must respond with clarity and action, holding UNRWA accountable for its complicity in terror and ensuring that aid does not become a weapon against peace and security.

Gazan Civilian Regarding Hamas Seizing and Destroying Civilian Homes in Gaza
Attached is the Testimony of a Gazan Civilian Regarding Hamas Stealing Food from Gazan Civilians
Attached is the Testimony of a Gazan Civilian Regarding Hamas Killing Civilians in Gaza

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