War Diary ✏️


From the first update on the morning of October 7,
IDF documents and reports on everything that happens in the
IDF throughout the fighting – every day and every hour.
All the events, messages, videos and photos – in one place



An alert was activated in Gush Dan and the Lakish area.


Alerts were activated in the center and south of the country.


Rockets fire from the Gaza into Israel. The public in the south and center of the country is urged to stay near protected areas and obey the orders of the Home Front Command.


Residents of the Gaza strip are asked to stay in their homes following a suspected security incident.


A number of terrorists have penetrated into Israeli territory from the Gaza Strip, residents of the Gaza Envelope are asked to stay in their homes.


About an hour ago, Hamas carried out a combined operation that included firing rockets and infiltrating terrorists into the territory of the State of Israel.

The IDF will protect the residents of the State of Israel, the terrorist organization Hamas will pay a very heavy price.

The public is asked to obey the orders of the Home Front Command to stay near protected areas, and the residents of the Gaza Strip are asked to stay in their homes.

“We have launched the ‘Iron Swords’ operation, all of our operational levels are open.”


IDF spokesman, Brigadier General Daniel Hagari:

“2,200 rockets were launched into Israel and raids were carried out into the country from land, with paragliders and also from the sea. Fighting is taking place in several locations in Israel and we are also attacking Gaza.”

“We have sent many forces to the south, including special units and senior commanders,” the IDF spokesman continues, “the Gaza Division will be divided into several centers, and each center will be headed by a senior commander in order to respond to the fighting. We will recruit tens of thousands of reservists, as needed.”

“We have launched the ‘Iron Swords’ operation, all of our operational levels are open.”


Dozens of fighter jets of the Air Force are attacking targets of the terrorist organization Hamas in the Gaza Strip in several locations.


Dozens of fighter jets of the Air Force are attacking targets of the terrorist organization Hamas in the Gaza Strip in several locations:


Dozens of fighter jets and other IDF aircraft attacked 17 military compounds and 4 operational headquarters of the terrorist organization Hamas throughout the Gaza Strip in the last few hours.


IDF aircraft recently attacked a number of terrorists along the Gaza Strip fence.
The preparation of the Air Force:


An IDF aircraft recently attacked another hamas terrorist group near the Erez crossing.


Preparation of IDF forces


The fighters of the sea arm conducted a naval pursuit and eliminated dozens of terrorists who tried to reach the territory of Israel. The fighters opened fire at them and destroyed two rubber boats, two other vessels and an agricultural tool.


IDF spokesman, Brigadier General Daniel Hagari: “We have forces in all localities, there is no locality that does not have forces from a special force or a regular brigade up to senior commanders. The main effort is to kill all the terrorists in the territory of the state and anyone who returns to the territory of the Gaza Strip on the fence.”


IDF ground and air forces operated in several locations in the southern area and thwarted hundreds of terrorists. Among the incidents, aircraft foiled two terrorists who tried to cross the perimeter fence near the Karni crossing, nine more terrorists were foiled in the area of Kibbutz Nirim, and another four were foiled in the Erez crossing and Kibbutz Nir Oz by Fighter jets. Additional terrorists were foiled in Kibbutz Sufa, Kfar Gaza and Kerem Shalom. In addition, terrorists were foiled by the forces at additional points and by IDF aircraft.


Cleared for publication IDF operations in Kibbutz Bari.


The IDF attacked targets of the terrorist organization Hamas in the Gaza Strip.


The IDF attacked two high-rise buildings of the terrorist organization Hamas in the Gaza Strip. Fighter jets attacked 2 high-rise buildings which were used by senior officials of the terrorist organization Hamas to carry out terrorist operations. One of the buildings is called the “Palestine” building, where the offices of several units and formations of the terrorist organization are located Hamas that are used to direct terrorism, including the infrastructure of the intelligence headquarters, the production headquarters and offices of senior members of the Hamas leadership.
Also, a building containing offices that served as the general security of the terrorist organization Hamas in the Gaza Strip was attacked.


The IDF attacked targets of the Hamas terrorist organization Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

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