Debunking 8 Lies Told By Palestinian About October 7 massacre

HomeFactsDebunking 8 Lies Told By Palestinian About October 7 massacre

On October 7, 2023, Hamas launched a brutal and coordinated attack on Israeli civilians, marking the deadliest assault on Israel in decades. This was not a “military operation” targeting only military installations, as claimed, but rather a horrific massacre of innocent men, women, children, and the elderly.

Yet, alot of pro-Palestinian organizations seem to support a different narrative, here are some of their biggest lies

1. “Palestinians didn’t behead babies, didn’t put babies in ovens, didn’t rape women. They didn’t torture civilians.”

  • Reality: These claims are attempts to deny or downplay the well-documented atrocities committed by Hamas on October 7, 2023. While initial reports of beheadings and other graphic atrocities shocked the world, further investigations confirmed the intentional killing of civilians, including women and children, through methods that included shootings, beatings, and other brutal acts. Israeli and international investigators have corroborated the widespread abuse of civilians during the attacks. Eyewitnesses and surviving family members have provided harrowing testimonies about kidnappings, sexual violence, and the slaughter of defenseless people in their homes. While there was confusion about some of the earliest reports, the overall brutality of Hamas’ actions is undeniable.
  • Purpose of the Denial: These kinds of denials are a common tactic used by pro-Hamas and anti-Israel propagandists to delegitimize the horror of the attack and divert attention from the crimes Hamas committed. By focusing on “what didn’t happen,” the goal is to diminish the overall scale of the attack and shift the narrative from Hamas’ guilt to Israel’s response.

2. “On October 7th, resistance fighters from Gaza carried out a daring military operation against a juggernaut, and they succeeded.”

  • Reality: Framing the October 7th attack as a “military operation” is a deliberate distortion. Hamas’ assault targeted civilian communities, not just military installations. Kibbutzim, residential areas, and a music festival were among the main targets, leading to the deaths of over 1,400 people, most of them civilians. The claim that this was a military operation against a “juggernaut” disregards the deliberate choice to attack non-combatants, an act that constitutes terrorism under international law. This was not a battle between soldiers but a massacre of civilians.
  • What Really Happened: The “success” of Hamas on October 7th is described as a complete surprise attack that overwhelmed local defenses. However, success in this context is misleading because it involved the intentional killing and kidnapping of civilians, which cannot be classified as a military victory but rather a terrorist assault designed to spread fear and chaos.

3. “They rammed through the first layer of defense and then created over 20 separate breach points through the main iron wall… They conquered Rahim military base… killed or captured all the soldiers inside before destroying the server rooms.”

  • Reality: Yes, Hamas breached the border defenses in multiple places, and they managed to overwhelm small military outposts, but their primary targets were civilian communities. This part of the narrative seeks to elevate the attack as a legitimate military achievement while ignoring the massive civilian toll. It is crucial to note that attacking civilian areas is not a form of “resistance” under international law but rather a war crime.

4. “The result was a complete rout of local Israeli military forces… helicopters began firing Hellfire missiles and machine gun rounds indiscriminately at vehicles and people running in the fields.”

  • Reality: This depiction ignores the fact that the IDF was primarily responding to an unprecedented civilian massacre. The Israeli military’s reaction was delayed not because of a military defeat but due to the sheer scale of the attack and its focus on civilians, which no country expects on such a large scale. When the military did respond, it did so to regain control of civilian areas that had been invaded by Hamas militants. Claims of “indiscriminate” fire ignore the context of Hamas militants using civilians as shields and blending into the population.

5. “This was the most humiliating defeat in Israel’s history… Netanyahu, desperate to hold on to power.”

  • Reality: While the attack on October 7th did reveal significant vulnerabilities in Israel’s security apparatus, calling it a “defeat” mischaracterizes the situation. Israel’s military and government have mobilized since then to dismantle Hamas’ terrorist infrastructure. Prime Minister Netanyahu, while facing political criticism, has remained focused on the military campaign against Hamas. It is not unusual in democratic nations for leaders to face scrutiny during wartime, but the Israeli government has not “crumbled” as this statement suggests.

6. “Palestinians had become complacent with the status quo… but Hamas undermined all of this with their bold act of resistance on October 7th.”

  • Reality: This argument frames Hamas’ actions as a legitimate awakening of Palestinian resistance, which misrepresents the broader Palestinian population’s stance. Many Palestinians, particularly those living in the West Bank, do not support Hamas or its violent tactics. Hamas, a terrorist organization, has often imposed its rule on Gaza through fear and violence, suppressing dissent and alternative political voices. The violence on October 7th did not represent all Palestinians, many of whom suffer under Hamas’ dictatorship-like control in Gaza.

7. “They have responded with a disgusting level of collective punishment… leveling Gaza.”

  • Reality: Israel’s military response has focused on dismantling Hamas’ infrastructure, which includes the vast network of tunnels and command centers embedded within civilian areas. Hamas deliberately uses civilians as human shields, storing weapons in schools, hospitals, and residential buildings. Israel has repeatedly urged civilians to evacuate combat zones, although Hamas has prevented many from leaving. The international community, including Israel, has continued to provide humanitarian aid to Gaza, with Israel coordinating food, medical supplies, and other essentials into the Strip, even during the conflict​.

8. “Western political leaders are slowly changing their tune, calling for humanitarian pauses and trying to negotiate a long-term ceasefire.”

  • Reality: While there have been calls for pauses in fighting to allow humanitarian aid into Gaza, this does not indicate a shift in Western support for Israel’s right to defend itself against terrorism. The overwhelming majority of Western leaders recognize Hamas as a terrorist organization responsible for the violence and do not equate Israel’s self-defense with aggression. The international community understands that Israel must dismantle Hamas to ensure long-term peace and stability.

9. “The illusion of Israeli power has been shattered… Israel is losing over $600 million a week.”

  • Reality: This claim that Israel’s power has been “shattered” is a gross exaggeration. Israel remains a powerful state with one of the most advanced military forces in the world. While the economy has faced strain due to the war, it is not in freefall, and Israel continues to receive robust support from its allies, including the United States. Israel’s resilience has been demonstrated through its ongoing military operations and the continued functioning of its society.

Hamas’ Charter and Goals:

The underlying ideology of Hamas, as stated in its charter, calls for the destruction of the State of Israel and is overtly anti-Semitic. It glorifies violence and jihad against Jews, not just Israelis, and frames the conflict as an existential, religious war against the Jewish people​. Hamas openly opposes any peaceful resolution or diplomatic initiative that would recognize Israel’s right to exist.

International Response and Aid to Gaza:

Israel’s response to Hamas’ attack has focused on dismantling Hamas’ military capabilities, but it has continued to allow humanitarian aid to enter Gaza. The Israeli government, through the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT), has facilitated the entry of food, medical supplies, and other aid into Gaza, despite the ongoing conflict​.

Key Facts:

  1. Mass Killings and Torture of Civilians: The attackers from Hamas did not limit their operations to military objectives. They broke into homes in civilian communities, including Kibbutzim, where they massacred entire families. Evidence from the Israeli authorities, as well as international observers, shows that civilians were shot, tortured, and brutalized.
  2. Atrocities: Multiple reports from survivors, videos, and intercepted communications confirm that atrocities were committed. These included rape, the killing of infants, and desecration of bodies. These horrific acts have been independently verified by multiple sources, including international journalists who visited the sites after the attack.
  3. Hostages: Hamas took over 200 hostages, including women, children, and the elderly. The taking of hostages as bargaining chips is a clear violation of international law and a tactic aimed at spreading terror, not advancing legitimate political objectives.
  4. Indiscriminate Rocket Fire: As part of this coordinated attack, Hamas launched thousands of rockets indiscriminately into civilian areas in Israel, targeting cities, towns, and critical infrastructure. These rockets were not aimed at military targets but at causing maximum damage to civilian life and property.

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