Hezbollah has been provoked like never before by Israel and may be tempted to unleash its firepower

HomeFactsWe Fixed It For YouHezbollah has been provoked like never before by Israel and may be tempted to unleash its firepower

Sky News’ recent article by Dominic Waghorn presents a dangerously distorted narrative, suggesting that Hezbollah, a recognized terror organization, has been “provoked like never before” by Israel. This portrayal not only ignores the facts but plays into the hands of Hezbollah, framing them as victims rather than the aggressors they are.

Hezbollah has long been a major destabilizing force in the region, amassing an arsenal of over 150,000 missiles, many of which are provided by Iran, with the sole aim of targeting Israeli civilians. Since October 2023, Hezbollah has launched countless rockets into Israel, indiscriminately targeting civilian towns and cities. This terror campaign, designed to cause maximum destruction and fear, has forced innocent Israelis to live under the constant threat of attack.

Waghorn’s article raises concerns about whether Hezbollah will “unleash its firepower” in a wider war, but it glosses over the critical point: Hezbollah has been the instigator of violence, not the victim. Israel’s defensive actions are a direct response to Hezbollah’s unprovoked attacks. The IDF has taken necessary measures to degrade Hezbollah’s capabilities, including eliminating key commanders and disrupting its communication systems—actions that protect Israeli civilians from further harm.

The article also fails to emphasize that Hezbollah is not an independent actor but a proxy of Iran, using its missile arsenal as a tool of Iranian influence in the region. While Iran may be cautious about using Hezbollah’s firepower at this moment, the threat remains real. The missiles are not for “insurance”; they are weapons of terror, aimed at the heart of Israel.

Sky News’ framing of Israel as the provocateur is a clear attempt to shift the narrative away from the truth. Israel has every right to defend its citizens against the ongoing threat posed by Hezbollah. The article’s suggestion that Hezbollah could be “goaded” into a more devastating conflict ignores the reality that Hezbollah’s existence is predicated on the destruction of Israel.

In the end, the true threat to regional stability is Hezbollah’s relentless aggression, not Israel’s defense of its people. It’s time for the international community to recognize this reality and hold Hezbollah and its Iranian backers accountable for their war crimes, rather than perpetuating a narrative that excuses their terror under the guise of being “provoked.”

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