Report: Germany is Holding Up Weapons Sales to Israel | Doron Spielman

HomeIsraeli Citizen Spokesperson’s OfficeReport: Germany is Holding Up Weapons Sales to Israel | Doron Spielman

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Germany’s Position on Weapons Exports to Israel

A very disturbing report states that Germany is holding up weapons exports to Israel. This situation is perplexing, as Germany claims to have a special relationship with the Jewish State and is committed to Israel’s defense. Following Hamas’s October 7th Massacre, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz pledged unconditional solidarity with Israel.

However, despite this pledge, Germany is reportedly selling weapons to Qatar—a nation that hosts Hamas leadership and supports Israel’s destruction. While Israel is fighting a war on multiple fronts, Germany’s actions contradict its stated support for Israel’s right to defend itself.

Since March, Germany has not granted any approval for arms exports to Israel, according to reports in German media. This includes allegations from Germany’s Economics Ministry regarding possible violations of international humanitarian law. Yet, Germany continues to sell 100 million euros worth of weapons to Qatar, a country that supports terrorism and practices modern slavery.

Germany’s Role and Obligations

Germany needs to uphold its commitment, as stated by Chancellor Scholz: “In difficult times, Germany has only one place, and that is by Israel’s side.” Germany must follow through and support Israel in its time of need, instead of aiding one of the largest supporters of international terrorism.

Ongoing Attacks from Hezbollah

Rocket fire from Lebanon continues this week. This morning, sirens sounded in border towns, warning of incoming rockets. Hezbollah has been launching attacks almost daily since October 8th, just one day after Hamas started the war. Hezbollah claims it does not want war, but it continues to attack Israel with rockets, anti-tank missiles, and suicide drones. Over 60,000 Israelis have fled their homes due to the danger.

Hezbollah’s Deception and Global Impact

Hezbollah’s leaders, like Naim Kasam, claim they don’t want war, but their actions say otherwise. Secretary of State Blinken and the international community must recognize that Hezbollah is already waging war, and Israel may be forced to push Hezbollah back if it does not stop its attacks.

AP Reporting on the Role of Palestinian Youths in Terrorism

This week, the Associated Press inadvertently reported the truth about terrorism in Judea and Samaria. A headline suggested that Israel’s crackdown is killing Palestinian youths, but the reality is different. The AP photo used in the story featured teenagers holding weapons, showing that these individuals are not innocent victims but rather armed terrorists.

Hamas has tragically brainwashed minors in both Gaza and Judea and Samaria, sending 16 and 17-year-olds to kill Israelis. The media, unfortunately, often overlooks this child abuse, which is enabled by a radicalized society and supported by Western governments and the news media.

If Israeli Ground Forces Enter Lebanon

If Israeli ground forces enter Lebanon, it will not look good for Hezbollah. Israeli forces are trained to fight Hezbollah, which has historically been one of the world’s most dangerous terrorist organizations. Since the Second Lebanon War in 2006, Hezbollah has violated international law, consistently targeting Israeli citizens with rocket fire.

Hezbollah, backed by Iran, is in violation of UN Security Council Resolution 1701, which mandated that Hezbollah withdraw from the Litani River and cease firing rockets at Israel. Israeli National Defense demands that Hezbollah be pushed back to ensure the safety of Israeli citizens.

Ballistic Missile Fired from Yemen

Recently, a ballistic missile was fired from Yemen toward central Israel, marking a significant escalation. Ballistic missiles, capable of traveling at speeds up to 20,000 km/h, pose a massive threat due to their destructive power, which can devastate entire cities.

The Houthis in Yemen are not only targeting Israel but also Western ships in international waters, driving up global shipping costs and causing international economic instability. This terror group must be addressed by the global community before its threat expands further.

Reflection on the Abraham Accords

Four years after the signing of the Abraham Accords, which symbolized peace between Israel and several Arab nations like the Emirates and Morocco, the agreements remain strong. Despite Iran’s aggression, these nations have stood by Israel in the face of terrorism. The Abraham Accords demonstrate Israel’s desire for peace in the region, and it is a model for future cooperation with the Arab world.

Reliance on Global Partners and the Need for Independence

As the current war highlights Israel’s reliance on foreign weapons, including from countries like Germany and the United States, there is a growing movement in Israel to ramp up domestic weapons production. A military committee has been established to plan for the next decade, aiming to reduce dependence on foreign arms and increase indigenous military capabilities.

Existing Israeli facilities have already quadrupled their production, but building an industry capable of sustaining Israel’s defense needs will take time. This shift is one of the war’s most important lessons.

Closing Remarks

Thank you for joining us today. Every day at 3:00 PM Israel time and 8:00 AM Eastern Standard Time, we are here to bring you updates and insights on Israel’s defense efforts. Your support and understanding are essential in allowing the truth to break through the disinformation spread by terrorists like Hamas and Hezbollah. Stay informed, stay united, and continue to stand with Israel.

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