IDF Heroes

The names of the heroes who died defending Israel
HomeHeroesAdi Eldor

Adi Eldor

Adi Eldor, born in Haifa to parents Refael and Liron, was the cherished eldest brother to Uri, Hili, and Sapir. A distinguished graduate of Reali School, Adi was a prominent figure in the Lotem Scouts tribe and a fervent supporter of Maccabi Haifa. Described by his friends and family as a good friend, a wonderful brother, and a brave soldier, Adi’s life was a testament to his love for his country and his people.

Serving as a Staff Sergeant in the Maglan Unit, an elite commando division of the IDF, Adi fell in battle in the southern Gaza Strip on February 11, 2024. His military service was marked by exemplary courage and leadership, contributing significantly to the operations that would define his unit’s reputation.

Adi was deeply rooted in his community and his love for the natural world. Before his last deployment, Adi and a friend discovered four puppy strays while riding an ATV in the Carmel forests, demonstrating his innate kindness. They saved the puppies, finding homes for three and keeping one in hopes of Adi’s return—a poignant reminder of a home waiting for him.

His father, Refael, mourned the loss but also celebrated the spirit of unity Adi embodied. In a heartfelt eulogy, he expressed hope that Adi’s legacy would inspire greater unity among the people of Israel, transcending societal divisions. “Filter out the background noise,” he advised, “and remember, there’s more that unites us than divides.”

Adi’s life was one of connection and joy. His friends remember him as the life of the party, always ready with a balanced smile that could light up any room. Noam Cohen, a close friend, recalled Adi’s infectious energy and plans for the future that were tragically cut short. “I’ll miss the parties we went to and the countless adventures we shared. Last week he told me about his plans after being discharged, dreams that will sadly remain unfulfilled. I love you forever, my dear brother,” Noam said, his voice thick with emotion.

In his 21 years, Adi Eldor lived a life full of giving, loving, and serving. Though his time was brief, his impact was profound, leaving a legacy of courage, companionship, and hope. His story continues to inspire all who knew him, a young hero who gave everything for his friends, his family, and his country.

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Fell On

11 February 2024

Army Unit

Oz Brigade

Army Rank

Sergeant first class

יהי זכרו ברוך

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