Terrorist Sympathizer

They openly support terrorists!
If you follow them, you might also be a terrorist sympathizer

HomeTerrorist SympathizersAssal Rad

Assal Rad

Assal Rad, a scholar specializing in Middle Eastern history and U.S.-Iran relations, has consistently used her platform to spread narratives that align with support for terrorist organizations such as Hamas and Hezbollah. These groups, are responsible for relentless violence against civilians and are committed to the destruction of Israel. Rather than condemning these violent acts, Rad often shifts the conversation to vilify Israel, attempting to paint the terrorist organizations as legitimate resistance movements.

Her rhetoric, which downplays the brutality of these groups while framing Israel as the aggressor, shows a clear bias. By focusing on deconstructing media narratives around Israel’s defensive actions, Rad has fostered a dangerous platform that sympathizes with those who openly target innocent Israeli civilians. Her refusal to recognize the true nature of Hamas and Hezbollah as terrorist organizations directly contributes to the spread of harmful, anti-Israel sentiment.

Anyone who follows or supports Rad’s views could easily be seen as a sympathizer of terrorism. Her failure to condemn Hamas and Hezbollah’s actions and her consistent vilification of Israel serve to embolden these violent groups and spread extremist ideology.

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