António Guterres: “Gravely Alarmed by Escalation and Civilian Casualties Along the Blue Line”

HomeFactsAntónio Guterres: “Gravely Alarmed by Escalation and Civilian Casualties Along the Blue Line”

In his recent tweet, UN Secretary-General António Guterres expressed grave concern over the situation along the Blue Line, specifically highlighting civilian casualties reported by Lebanese authorities and criticizing Israel’s defensive measures. Once again, Guterres demonstrates a shocking disconnection from reality.

While he briefly acknowledges Hezbollah’s attacks on Israel, his focus remains heavily skewed towards criticizing Israel’s efforts to protect its citizens. Since October 2023, Hezbollah has launched thousands of rockets indiscriminately targeting Israeli civilians, including children. These relentless assaults on Israeli towns and cities have forced families into bomb shelters, causing widespread destruction and loss of life. Yet Guterres barely mentions this fact, instead choosing to emphasize Israeli strikes, which are aimed at neutralizing terror infrastructure hidden within civilian areas—an unfortunate but necessary reality given Hezbollah’s long-standing tactic of using civilians as human shields.

Guterres calls for the protection of civilians and civilian infrastructure, but where was this concern when Israeli civilians were being targeted daily by Hezbollah rockets? The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) take every possible precaution to minimize civilian harm, while Hezbollah embeds its weapons within civilian areas, turning innocent people into pawns in its terror campaign. The UN Secretary-General’s failure to acknowledge this is not just disappointing; it’s irresponsible.

Moreover, Guterres’ call for a diplomatic solution ignores the fundamental reality: Hezbollah, like other terror organizations, has no interest in peace. Its sole objective is the destruction of Israel. To suggest that Israel should ease its defense in the face of such a threat is not a call for diplomacy—it’s a call for Israel to accept terrorism.

The UN’s continuous double standards, embodied by Guterres’ biased rhetoric, undermine Israel’s right to defend itself against a relentless terror organization. It’s time for the UN to stop turning a blind eye to the real aggressors in this conflict and recognize that Israel’s actions are aimed at securing peace and protecting innocent lives.

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