Terrorist Sympathizer

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HomeTerrorist SympathizersRamy Abdu

Ramy Abdu

Ramy Abdu, while presenting himself as a human rights advocate and financial expert, has a deeply troubling history of affiliation with Hamas, a recognized terrorist organization. Despite his academic and professional background, Abdu’s public statements and activities expose his alignment with Hamas’s violent ideology. He has used his platforms, including the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor, to mask his pro-terrorism stance under the guise of human rights advocacy.

Abdu’s endorsement of Hamas was unmistakably clear following the October 7, 2023 massacre, where he justified the terrorist group’s slaughter of over 1,200 Israeli civilians, celebrating the violence as part of “resistance.” His social media presence consistently reflects support for Hamas, while attempting to reframe the group’s brutal actions as legitimate responses to Israeli policies. This is not activism—this is blatant justification for terrorism.

Furthermore, Abdu’s ties to Hamas are not a recent revelation. In 2013, he was named by Israeli authorities as one of the key Hamas operatives in Europe. His involvement in organizations like the European Campaign to End the Siege on Gaza (ECESG) and the Council for European Palestinian Relations (CEPR), both linked to Hamas, only further solidifies his status as an enabler of terrorism. The Israeli government’s decision to impose sanctions on him under its anti-terrorism law in 2020 underscores the severity of his role in supporting Hamas’s operations abroad.

Abdu’s narrative of being a human rights advocate is a smokescreen for his pro-Hamas activities. By continuing to back a terrorist organization responsible for mass murder, Abdu aligns himself with a group whose primary goal is the destruction of Israel and the use of violence to achieve political ends. Anyone supporting or defending Abdu is, in effect, endorsing his alignment with Hamas and its terrorist agenda.

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