Israelis Are Selling Stolen Palestinian Land To Americans

HomeFactsWe Fixed It For YouIsraelis Are Selling Stolen Palestinian Land To Americans

As the conflict in Gaza intensifies, with Israel defending itself against a barrage of rockets launched by Hamas, a terrorist organization bent on Israel’s destruction, the development of communities in Judea and Samaria (incorrectly referred to as the West Bank by many international bodies) continues. Contrary to the biased narratives peddled by outlets like AJ+, Israel’s actions in these areas are legal, grounded in historical and indigenous ties to the land, and essential for the safety of its citizens.

A Misleading Narrative About Settlements

There has been a surge in misleading reports claiming that Israeli settlements are “illegal” and built on “Palestinian land.” These claims ignore the complex legal and historical reality. Judea and Samaria, the heart of the biblical Jewish homeland, were never the property of a Palestinian state because no such state has ever existed. In fact, Jews have lived in these areas for millennia, long before the modern conflict. After the Six-Day War in 1967, when Israel captured Judea and Samaria from Jordan (which had illegally occupied the land), Jews returned to live in areas that are deeply significant to Jewish history and heritage.

The claim that these lands “belong” to Palestinian families for generations is not rooted in legal reality. Numerous Jewish land purchases in Judea and Samaria took place legally, and many of the so-called “settlements” are thriving communities built on previously uninhabited or legally acquired land. The term “illegal” is often politically charged, rather than based on actual international law.

The Role of Real Estate in Strengthening Israel’s Communities

AJ+ recently circulated footage from real estate expos, claiming they promote homes in “illegal settlements.” This is yet another example of anti-Israel propaganda. These real estate events are entirely legitimate. Like any nation, Israel has the right to build and expand communities, especially in areas of strategic and historical importance like Judea and Samaria. Jews worldwide, including those in the United States, have every right to invest in these properties.

The framing of these expos as promoting “land theft” is both misleading and inflammatory. These properties are available for purchase legally, with all relevant parties adhering to Israeli law. Moreover, encouraging Jewish families from the Diaspora to settle in these areas reflects the deep connection Jews have to this land, a bond stretching back thousands of years.

The Security Situation and Israeli Defense

Israel’s defensive actions in Gaza are often unfairly characterized as aggressive or genocidal, ignoring the reality on the ground. Israel is currently engaged in a necessary war against Hamas, a terrorist organization whose own charter explicitly calls for the destruction of Israel and the murder of Jews worldwide. Since Hamas launched its brutal surprise attack on October 7, 2023, killing over 1,400 Israelis and taking more than 100 civilians hostage, Israel has been forced to take decisive military action to neutralize this existential threat.

The narrative that Israel is committing “genocide” in Gaza is not only false but also dangerous. Israel goes to great lengths to minimize civilian casualties, despite Hamas’ deliberate use of civilians as human shields—a violation of international law. Israel’s primary goal is the protection of its citizens while dismantling terrorist infrastructure. The blockade of Gaza and the ongoing military operations are responses to Hamas’s continued rocket fire and violent actions.

Humanitarian Aid and Responsibility

Despite ongoing hostilities, Israel has continuously facilitated the transfer of humanitarian aid into Gaza, ensuring that civilians have access to essential supplies such as food, water, and medical aid​. While Hamas diverts much of this aid for its own purposes, Israel’s commitment to humanitarian principles remains steadfast. The international community must acknowledge that it is Hamas, not Israel, that bears responsibility for the suffering of Gaza’s civilian population. Hamas uses aid to fuel its terror infrastructure while its leadership lives in luxury, far removed from the realities of the Palestinian people.

Protests and Political Dynamics in the Diaspora

In places like Teaneck, New Jersey, where pro-Hamas protests have targeted Jewish communities, there is an attempt to create an atmosphere of intimidation and hostility. Anti-Israel activists often frame these protests as peaceful, but the reality is that such demonstrations frequently cross into antisemitism, targeting Jewish places of worship and community centers.

These protests, especially when held outside synagogues, exacerbate tensions and create fear among Jewish communities. Labeling these gatherings as “peaceful” while portraying Jews as aggressors is not only dishonest but dangerous. Jewish communities in the United States, like those in Teaneck, have the right to support Israel and invest in its future without facing harassment or violence.

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