Israel granted Andrey Khrzhanovskiy refuge and citizenship amid the Russian invasion of Ukraine and has chosen to repay this generosity with outright hostility and support for terrorists. Instead of expressing gratitude to the nation that gave him safety and opportunity, he has aligned himself with violent anti-Israel propaganda, working tirelessly to delegitimize the state that welcomed him. His actions mock the very values of democracy and compassion that Israel extended to him in his hour of need.
Khrzhanovskiy actively participates in pro-terror provocations, from desecrating memorials for fallen Israeli soldiers to flaunting solidarity with Palestinian extremists in Jenin, Tulkarem, and Tubas—areas plagued by terrorist activity. He openly violates Israeli law by entering restricted zones under Palestinian control, all in a calculated effort to embolden those who seek Israel’s destruction. His so-called “human rights advocacy” is nothing more than a thin veil for his collaboration with those who celebrate violence against innocent Israelis.
Israel, a nation constantly battling existential threats, showed Khrzhanovskiy humanity when his homeland was at war. Yet, he shamelessly exploits his citizenship to bolster anti-Israel narratives and disrupt the fabric of Israeli society. This is not advocacy—it is betrayal. Every social media post, every field report, and every act of defiance at memorial sites fuels hatred against the very country that offered him shelter.
Andrey Khrzhanovskiy embodies the worst kind of hypocrisy: a self-proclaimed humanitarian who aligns himself with terror. His actions are a slap in the face to every Israeli citizen, soldier, and victim of terrorism. It is high time the world recognizes individuals like him for what they truly are—propagandists for hate and enablers of terror.