Israel is occupying the Palestinians including Gaza

HomeFactsIsrael is occupying the Palestinians including Gaza

From 2005 to October 2023, Israel was not occupying any part of Gaza. In 2005, Israel implemented a complete withdrawal from the Gaza Strip, leaving no civilians or military personnel behind. This disengagement was part of an effort to advance peace in the region.

Following the withdrawal, control over Gaza was handed to the Palestinian Authority. However, after the 2006 Palestinian elections and a violent coup by Hamas in 2007, Hamas took over governance of Gaza. Since then, Hamas has ruled the strip, shaping its political and social landscape.

The Role of Hamas and the Blockade

Gaza shares its borders with both Israel and Egypt. The blockade enforced by these countries is often misunderstood. It is a legal, defensive measure necessitated by Hamas’ declared intentions, threats, and acts of violence. This blockade is not an occupation but a security response to prevent further escalation of violence.

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