IDF Heroes

The names of the heroes who died defending Israel
HomeHeroesSagi Golan

Sagi Golan

Sagi Golan was born on December 5, 1992 (11 Kislev 5753) in Raanana, Israel, to parents Eti and Gilad. He grew up alongside his siblings, Oz and Lior, in a loving and supportive family. From a young age, Sagi displayed a deep commitment to helping others and a strong sense of duty, which would later define his life and career.

Military Service and Heroism

On October 7, 2023, Sagi, was called to action as Hamas terrorists launched a brutal attack on southern Israel.
As a Major in the reserves and a commander in the Counter-Terrorism Unit (LOTAR), Sagi led his team into the heart of the battle in Kibbutz Be’eri. In the intense battle that ensued, Sagi displayed extraordinary bravery, rescuing and evacuating dozens of trapped families. His selfless actions saved many lives, but tragically, Sagi was killed in the line of duty on October 8, 2023 (23 Tishrei 5784). His heroism in battle led to his posthumous promotion to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel.

Personal Life and Legacy

Sagi’s life was one of dedication and love. He was engaged to be married to his partner, Omer Ohana, just one week after the fateful day he was killed. The couple had meticulously planned their wedding, choosing the song “Zakhiti Le’ehov” by Ivri Lider to accompany them down the aisle. Heartbreakingly, Ivri Lider would later sing this song at Sagi’s graveside during his funeral, a poignant reminder of the love and life that was lost.

Sagi was not only a courageous soldier but also a kind-hearted and inspiring individual. His friends and family describe him as a talented and humble man who excelled in every endeavor. Whether as a top student, a decorated officer, or a caring friend, Sagi left an indelible mark on everyone who knew him.

A Historic Legacy

In the wake of Sagi’s death, his partner, Omer, and his mother, Eti, fought for Omer’s recognition as Sagi’s widower. Their efforts led to a groundbreaking change in Israeli law, allowing same-sex partners of fallen soldiers to be recognized as widows or widowers. This legal milestone ensures that Sagi’s legacy of love and commitment will continue to impact the lives of others, even after his passing.

Sagi’s father, Gilad, has spoken publicly about his son’s bravery and dedication, urging others to cherish their loved ones while they can. Sagi’s life was a testament to the power of love, duty, and sacrifice.

Final Resting Place

Sagi Golan was laid to rest with full military honors at the Kiryat Shaul Military Cemetery. He leaves behind his partner, Omer, his parents, Eti and Gilad, his siblings, Oz and Lior, and countless friends and comrades who will forever remember him as a hero. Sagi’s memory lives on as a beacon of courage and love, inspiring future generations to live with the same sense of purpose and dedication that defined his life.

First Name


Last Name




Fell On

08 october 2023

Army Unit

Marom Division

Army Rank


יהי זכרו ברוך

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Our information is gathered from idf and public infomation
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This ongoing effort is made possible by the invaluable contributions of our dedicated volunteers.
Our ultimate goal is to create a comprehensive and accurate account of each hero’s story.

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