The Palestinian Youth Movement (PYM): Terror Organization

HomeFactsThe Palestinian Youth Movement (PYM): Terror Organization

The Palestinian Youth Movement (PYM) is a transnational, grassroots organization that claims to represent young Palestinians in “Palestine” and the diaspora. While PYM presents itself as an independent movement advocating for Palestinian rights, numerous sources have raised serious concerns about its activities and alleged connections to designated terrorist organizations, including the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), Hamas, and others.

Structure and Funding

PYM operates in Canada and the United States, but its financial operations are notably opaque. The organization does not publicly disclose information about its budget, donors, or staff, raising concerns about its sources of funding and the true nature of its activities. In the U.S., the WESPAC Foundation acts as PYM’s fiscal sponsor, allowing the organization to receive tax-deductible donations anonymously, further complicating efforts to scrutinize its financial dealings.

Actions and Connections

During the brutal October 7th, 2023 massacre, where hundreds of Israelis were murdered and raped by Hamas terrorists, PYM organized demonstrations and student encampments across North America, accusing Israel of “genocide” and showing solidarity with the attackers. The group has also targeted companies like Boeing, labeling them as “genocide profiteers” for their business dealings with Israel.

In April 2024, after Iran launched missile and drone attacks on Israel, PYM was a signatory on a statement titled, “No war on Iran, stand with resistance,” which explicitly supported Iran’s actions against Israel. The statement defended Iran’s right to “resist Zionist aggression,” aligning PYM with a state sponsor of terrorism.

Furthermore, in May 2024, PYM co-organized a conference that featured speakers affiliated with designated terrorist organizations, such as the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ). These groups are known for their long history of violent attacks against civilians, and PYM’s association with them raises serious concerns about its own intentions and actions.

In summary, while the Palestinian Youth Movement claims to be an advocate for Palestinian rights, its actions, lack of financial transparency, and connections to terrorist organizations suggest a much darker agenda. PYM’s activities, particularly during and after significant acts of terror, reveal an organization that not only sympathizes with but actively supports the actions of terrorist groups against Israel and its civilians.

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