UN “October 7th Was Justified”

HomeFactsUN “October 7th Was Justified”

Today the world marks International Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Terrorism, but the UN’s agenda and hypxrysy is reaching a new stage.
Despite the horrific terrorist attacks on October 7, 2023, which saw over 1,200 Israelis brutally murdered, the UN chose not to include a single Israeli victim in its official memorials. This is not just an oversight—it’s a calculated decision that reflects a long-standing and dangerous bias against Israel.

For years and especially in the recent months, the UN has been harboring an anti-Israel agenda, but this latest move is perhaps the most blatant example of its true intentions.
By deliberately excluding Israeli victims from a day meant to honor all those who have suffered from terrorism, the UN is sending a clear message: Israel’s suffering is not worth acknowledging.

This bias is further compounded by the UN’s ongoing support for UNRWA, an organization that has been repeatedly linked to terrorist activities and the spread of anti-Israel propaganda.
Despite these well-documented connections, the UN continues to fund UNRWA, effectively enabling the very forces that threaten Israel’s security.

The refusal to recognize the victims of the October 7 attacks is not just a moral failure; it is part of a broader strategy to delegitimize Israel on the global stage.
The UN’s actions reveal an insidious effort to erode Israel’s legitimacy and undermine its right to exist.
By selectively choosing which victims of terrorism are worthy of remembrance, the UN is not only ignoring the pain of Israeli families but is also perpetuating a dangerous narrative that fuels further hatred and violence.

This deliberate exclusion of Israeli victims is more than just an international disgrace—it is a clear indication of the UN’s desire to weaken Israel and ultimately, destroy it. The international community must wake up to this reality and hold the UN accountable for its biased and harmful actions.

As we remember the victims of terrorism worldwide, we must also recognize the UN’s role in perpetuating a selective and biased narrative.
The truth is clear: the UN’s actions are not about peace or justice, but about undermining Israel’s very existence.
This fact cannot be ignored, and it is imperative that we speak out against this blatant attempt to erase Israel’s suffering from the global memory.

LooK them in the eyes!

The Victims of the October 7th massacre by Palestinians

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