IDF Heroes

The names of the heroes who died defending Israel
HomeHeroesRoman Bronshtein

Roman Bronshtein

Roman Bronshtein was a dedicated soldier, loving family man, and an embodiment of modern-day heroism. Born in Ukraine in 1977, Roman immigrated to Israel at the age of 16 through the Na’ale program, leaving behind his family to pursue a Zionist dream. He quickly embraced Israel as his homeland, asserting that “a homeland is not necessarily the country where you are born.” His unwavering love for Israel defined his life, culminating in his ultimate sacrifice.

As a teenager, he attended the Hadassah Neurim Youth Village, where his intelligence and charm made him stand out among his peers. He excelled academically while maintaining his characteristic warmth and approachability. When he enlisted in the Givati Brigade in 1995, he was drawn to the combat infantry path. He swiftly rose through the ranks, progressing from basic training to becoming a platoon commander in the Tzabar Battalion by March 1997.

His leadership qualities, marked by a combination of composure and kindness, left a deep impression on both his subordinates and superiors. He fostered a culture of excellence and empathy, earning the respect of everyone he encountered. After several years of distinguished service, Roman was honorably discharged from the IDF with the rank of lieutenant.

Following his military service, Roman pursued a degree in computer science from Bar-Ilan University and built a successful career in high-tech. However, when his father, a lawyer from Ukraine, needed help passing the bar exam in Israel, Roman assisted him and discovered a new passion for law. He transitioned to a career as a lawyer and soon became known for his dedication to helping newcomers navigate their first steps in Israel. His reputation for generosity, intelligence, and a strong work ethic earned him admiration from colleagues and clients alike.

In his personal life, Roman was devoted to his wife, Natasha, and their three children. He shouldered the responsibility of caring for his parents and sister while also supporting his own family with unwavering dedication. His kindness and loyalty made him the cornerstone of his family and community.

When war erupted on October 7, 2023, Roman felt compelled to return to service, despite having been exempt from reserve duty. He was among the first to volunteer, assuming his role as an operations officer in Battalion 8111 of the Givati Brigade’s 5th Division. After more than 60 days of fighting, Roman’s team was caught in an explosion near Khan Yunis on December 10, leading to his untimely death.

Just two weeks earlier, Roman had celebrated his eldest son’s bar mitzvah near the Gaza border, surrounded by his unit and family. He spoke with deep pride about the battalion and how important it was to have this moment with his son, expressing his gratitude to his fellow soldiers for organizing the event.

Roman was described as a “super soldier” at age 20 and a “superhero” at age 46. His legacy will live on through the values he stood for: unwavering love for Israel, a commitment to family, and a dedication to excellence. He embodied the ideals of modern Zionism and Israeli heroism. He leaves behind his wife, three children, parents, and sister, all of whom will cherish his memory.

May Roman Bronshtein’s memory be a blessing, and may his story continue to inspire generations to come.

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Fell On

10 December 2023

Army Unit

 5th Infantry Brigade “HaSharon”

Army Rank

Major (res.)

יהי זכרו ברוך

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