Terrorist Sympathizer

They openly support terrorists!
If you follow them, you might also be a terrorist sympathizer

HomeTerrorist SympathizersB’Tselem


B’Tselem is not just an anti-Israeli organization—it is a deeply anti-Semitic, dangerous entity operating under the guise of human rights. This organization, awash with foreign funding from anti-Israeli sources, exists for one purpose: to dismantle the state of Israel from within. It operates with a clear agenda to delegitimize Israel and undermine its ability to defend itself, making it a direct threat to the nation’s survival.

While B’Tselem made token efforts to condemn the October 7 massacre, their actions and publications tell a very different story—a story riddled with propaganda against the state of Israel and its defenders, the IDF. The IDF, the most moral army in the world, is repeatedly smeared by B’Tselem in narratives that align disturbingly well with the rhetoric of Palestinian terrorism. This organization is not about human rights; it is about empowering those who commit atrocities against Israel.

B’Tselem claims to advocate for the rights of “Palestinians,” the same “Palestinians” who orchestrated the barbaric October 7 massacre, slaughtering families, raping women, and abducting innocent civilians. These same “Palestinians” continue to perpetrate daily terror attacks against Israelis—attacks that B’Tselem conveniently ignores or justifies.

B’Tselem’s behavior is not far removed from that of a terrorist organization. They peddle Hamas-aligned narratives, destabilize Israeli society, and serve as a propaganda arm for those who seek Israel’s destruction. Their funding sources, which include anti-Israeli foreign entities, only further highlight their agenda: to delegitimize, weaken, and ultimately destroy the state of Israel.

This organization must be held accountable for its actions. It poses a direct threat to Israel’s security and sovereignty, and its members should face consequences for their role in supporting terrorism and inciting against the state of Israel. B’Tselem is not about human rights—it is about destroying Israel, and it must be stopped.

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