Terrorist Sympathizer

They openly support terrorists!
If you follow them, you might also be a terrorist sympathizer

HomeTerrorist SympathizersDr. Amira Dalton

Dr. Amira Dalton

Dr. Amira Dalton, a physician and online personality, has openly expressed sympathies toward terrorist organizations like Hamas and Hezbollah through her social media activity. Despite her professional background as a doctor and self-proclaimed advocate of peace and faith, her online rhetoric consistently supports and defends these violent groups, which have been recognized as terrorist organizations by the U.S. and many other countries. By focusing solely on anti-Israel narratives and ignoring the atrocities committed by Hamas and Hezbollah, Dr. Dalton positions herself as a vocal supporter of terrorism, not just a critic of Israeli policies.

Her social media posts often highlight a biased and inflammatory stance, particularly toward Israel’s self-defense measures, while turning a blind eye to the violent actions of terrorist groups. By praying for the children of Gaza and framing Israel as the aggressor, Dr. Dalton fuels dangerous narratives that ignore the true nature of Hamas and Hezbollah as organizations whose sole mission is the destruction of Israel. Her refusal to condemn the murder of innocent Israeli civilians and her failure to acknowledge the countless acts of terror perpetrated by these groups speak volumes about her dangerous alignment with their cause.

Dr. Dalton’s public support for these terrorist organizations poses a serious concern. Those who follow or echo her views could be seen as sympathizers of terrorism. By aligning herself with groups that target innocent people and aim to wipe Israel off the map, she is actively contributing to the spread of anti-Israel and pro-terrorist sentiment.

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