Terrorist Sympathizer

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HomeTerrorist SympathizersFree.Palestine.nl – FPNL

Free.Palestine.nl – FPNL

Free.Palestine.nl has revealed itself to be another extremist group using inflammatory language and veiled threats to stir up hatred against Jews, Israelis, and anyone they deem to be “supporters of genocide.” The recent statements they released regarding a protest near Johan Cruijff Arena expose the depth of their alignment with violent, antisemitic ideologies.

Their posts are littered with hostile rhetoric, referring to Israeli sports fans as “hooligans” and suggesting that merely allowing an Israeli team to play endangers “the safety of all people in Amsterdam.” By repeatedly labeling Israel and its supporters as “genocidal,” Free.Palestine.nl is not advocating for peace or human rights—they are promoting a narrative that dehumanizes Jews and Israelis, implicitly justifying violence against them.

Free.Palestine.nl’s repeated insistence that Amsterdam should refuse entry to Jewish supporters of the Maccabi Tel Aviv team shows a disturbing endorsement of exclusion and division. Their post claims the “threat of violence” originates not from their own followers but from the Israeli supporters themselves. This twisted logic attempts to shift blame onto the targets of their hate, a hallmark tactic of groups that endorse extremist views while cloaking themselves in victimhood.

Make no mistake: Free.Palestine.nl is fostering a dangerous atmosphere, one that frames Jews as enemies simply for existing in public spaces. They use charged language, allusions to “genocide” and “apartheid,” and aggressive rhetoric to push a narrative designed to vilify and isolate Jewish communities in Amsterdam.

Supporting Free.Palestine.nl means endorsing an agenda rooted in antisemitism, division, and implicit calls for violence. Their followers and sympathizers should recognize that aligning with this group means standing with hatred, not with justice or peace.

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