Terrorist Sympathizer

They openly support terrorists!
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HomeTerrorist SympathizersLooking the Occupation in the Eye

Looking the Occupation in the Eye

Looking the Occupation in the Eye is a disgraceful group of Israeli citizens who prioritize the “rights” of terrorists over the safety and sovereignty of their own country. Cloaked in the language of human rights, their real mission is clear: to delegitimize Israel and pave the way for its destruction, aligning themselves with the goals of Hamas’s charter—a charter that explicitly calls for the murder of Jews worldwide and the obliteration of Israel through jihad.

This group hides behind claims of “raising awareness about the occupied territories” through so-called “firsthand reporting,” but their actions betray them. Their so-called “truth” is nothing but a front for spreading Hamas propaganda, translated into Hebrew and spoon-fed to the Israeli public. They deliberately amplify Hamas’s lies under the pretense of protecting human rights, ignoring the blood on Hamas’s hands and the horrors inflicted on innocent Israelis.

With an annual funding of over 3 million shekels, they work tirelessly to delegitimize the state of Israel. Every statement, every action, and every shekel they spend is geared toward undermining the Jewish state’s right to exist. They promote Hamas’s narrative daily, fully aware that this narrative is the backbone of a genocidal ideology—one that led directly to the atrocities of October 7.

Let’s be crystal clear: by parroting Hamas propaganda, they endorse Hamas’s brutal actions. The October 7 massacre, where Israeli families were slaughtered, children were raped, and civilians—including babies—were abducted, is part of what they ultimately support. They cannot deny it. Their messages, their leaders, and their members all stand complicit in supporting and legitimizing terror.

Looking the Occupation in the Eye doesn’t fight for justice—they fight to destroy the very foundations of Israel, all while aiding and abetting those who revel in terror and death.

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