Terrorist Sympathizer

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HomeTerrorist SympathizersMatt Kennard

Matt Kennard

Matt Kennard, an English journalist and co-founder of Declassified UK, has become a shameless apologist for anti-Israel propaganda, aligning himself with narratives that demonize the Jewish state while offering tacit support for terrorist organizations like Hamas. His so-called investigative journalism is nothing more than a thinly veiled campaign to vilify Israel and exonerate the actions of violent groups under the guise of “human rights.” Kennard’s relentless criticism of Israel’s self-defense measures and his fixation on painting Hamas as victims expose his true sympathies.

Kennard has published inflammatory content alleging Israeli “war crimes” while conveniently ignoring Hamas’ role in instigating violence and targeting civilians. His platform amplifies claims of British complicity in Gaza operations, weaponizing these narratives to delegitimize Israel’s right to defend itself against terrorist threats. Instead of holding Hamas accountable for using human shields and committing atrocities, Kennard directs his ire solely at Israel, echoing the rhetoric of groups that openly call for its destruction.

While Kennard masquerades as a champion of human rights, his work emboldens terrorist sympathizers by framing anti-terrorism laws as oppressive measures against “pro-Palestinian voices.” His one-sided reporting aligns with the propaganda of those who support the eradication of Israel, providing intellectual cover for terror by cloaking it in the language of resistance. By ignoring Hamas’ role in the suffering of Palestinians and blaming Israel exclusively, Kennard bolsters the lies spread by organizations that perpetuate violence.

Matt Kennard is not a journalist holding power to account—he’s a propagandist weaponizing his platform to demonize Israel while turning a blind eye to the horrors inflicted by terrorist organizations like Hamas. His refusal to acknowledge the brutal massacres committed by Hamas, including the slaughter of innocent civilians, is a damning indictment of his agenda. Kennard’s work doesn’t contribute to meaningful dialogue or peace; it fuels hatred and justifies the actions of those who seek to destroy Israel and destabilize the region.

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