Terrorist Sympathizer

They openly support terrorists!
If you follow them, you might also be a terrorist sympathizer

HomeTerrorist SympathizersRyan Dawson

Ryan Dawson

Ryan Dawson isn’t just a conspiracy theorist or controversial figure—he’s a dangerous, virulent anti-Semite who openly aligns himself with extremist, terror-supporting ideologies. His promotion of Holocaust denial, anti-Jewish hate, and outright celebration of violence against Jews makes him a mouthpiece for the most vile forms of hatred. He isn’t just tiptoeing around bigotry—he’s diving headfirst into it, spreading neo-Nazi propaganda on platforms like The Daily Shoah, where he happily demonizes Jews and justifies attacks on Israel.

Dawson’s obsession with conspiracy theories, including his baseless claim that Israel orchestrated the 9/11 attacks, reveals the true nature of his anti-Semitism. He hides behind so-called political criticism, but let’s be clear—there’s no nuance here. His comparisons of Israel to Nazi Germany aren’t legitimate critiques; they’re disgusting, deliberate slander aimed at dehumanizing Jews and supporting their destruction. His rhetoric echoes that of violent terror organizations, and anyone who follows him is aligning themselves with the same ideology that fuels groups like Hamas and Hezbollah.

His so-called “support” for the BDS movement is just another front for his rabid hate. While BDS pretends to be about justice, Dawson uses it to spread his extremist views, calling for the total delegitimization of Israel. He doesn’t just stop at boycotts—his rhetoric aligns with terrorists who celebrate the deaths of innocent civilians. He cheered when Sumner Redstone died, spewing anti-Semitic filth, and after the Tree of Life massacre, he showed no empathy for the Jewish victims, instead using it to prop up his twisted, pro-terrorist agenda.

Dawson’s reaction to violence is the clearest indicator of his true intentions. In 2023, after Hamas’s horrific October 7th massacre—where over 1,200 Israelis were slaughtered, including women and children—Dawson celebrated. Let that sink in. He celebrated the murder of innocents, aligning himself with terrorists who seek the annihilation of Jews. His support for these barbaric acts makes him complicit in the same hatred that fuels terrorism.

Deplatforming him isn’t enough. Dawson’s ideas spread like a cancer, infecting others with the same vile, terror-supporting mindset. His followers aren’t just dabbling in controversy—they are aligning themselves with terror, anti-Semitism, and violence. Anyone who supports Ryan Dawson is standing shoulder-to-shoulder with those who glorify the murder of innocents.

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