IDF Heroes

The names of the heroes who died defending Israel
HomeHeroesAmir Lavi

Amir Lavi

Amir Lavi, born and raised in the Ein Kerem neighborhood of Jerusalem, was a passionate artist and musician. He graduated from the YASA High School for Science and Arts, where he majored in art. Art was an integral part of Amir’s life—his drawings and sketches were a mosaic of his personal journey, reflecting his thoughts, emotions, and growth as an individual.

In addition to art, music was Amir’s great love. He played the guitar and spent countless hours immersed in music, exploring a wide range of genres and delving deeply into the meaning behind songs and artists. Amir created numerous playlists, one of which was titled “Funeral Playlist”—a mix of cynicism, humor, and wit that encapsulated his personality. Above all, Amir had a special passion for rock music.

Amir was known for his deep connection to people. He had many friends and was always willing to listen and help without judgment or criticism. His home and heart were always open, welcoming everyone with a warm smile. He was a man of values, a true Zionist who loved his country and its people. This love led him to enlist as a combat soldier in the Nahal Brigade.

On October 7th, 2023, Amir’s mortar platoon from the 50th Battalion was on alert near their base in the Gaza envelope. At around 6:30 AM, a massive rocket barrage from Gaza began. The platoon boarded their armored vehicles and started returning fire. Despite intense rocket fire and the explosion of a drone nearby, the situation quickly escalated when they realized that terrorists had breached the base.

As Amir’s platoon divided into smaller teams to defend their post, they engaged in a fierce battle with the attackers. Eventually, they retreated into the base as the situation worsened. Amir, along with three other injured soldiers, took shelter in a room near the rear gate of the base. Two other soldiers provided cover fire outside the room.

A rescue attempt by medics, under heavy fire, managed to evacuate two injured soldiers, but Amir, along with several comrades, remained trapped. Tragically, the attackers breached the room where Amir and others were, killing everyone inside. Amir Lavi fell in this heroic defense of his post during the attack, alongside his fellow soldiers.

First Name


Last Name




Fell On

07 OCTOBER 2023

Army Unit

Nahal Brigade

Army Rank


יהי זכרו ברוך

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Our ultimate goal is to create a comprehensive and accurate account of each hero’s story.

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