IDF Heroes

The names of the heroes who died defending Israel
HomeHeroesChen Bouchris

Chen Bouchris

Chen Bochris was born on March 16, 1997 in Ashdod, the youngest of five brothers. He grew up in a family that lives and breathes the military, with a father who served in the Air Force and three brothers in command positions. As a child he studied Torah, loved sports, playing music and learning and especially the book “Mesilat Isharim”.

In the first order, he discovered that glasses prevented him from enlisting in combat, so he underwent laser eye surgery at the age of 16. On July 28, 2016, he enlisted in the IDF and served in the infantry. Chen excelled in every course, becoming a company commander in Magellan and eventually the unit’s deputy commander.

On the morning of October 7, 2023, he realized that something unusual was happening and set out to lead Magellan’s forces into battle in the Gaza Envelope. In a heroic battle for the purification of Kibbutz Nahal Oz, Chen fell when he was 26 years old. He was buried in the military cemetery in Ashdod, leaving behind his parents and four siblings.

First Name


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Fell On

07 OCTOBER 2023

Army Unit


Army Rank


יהי זכרו ברוך

We are dedicated to providing the most accurate and up-to-date information possible about our fallen heroes.
Our information is gathered from idf and public infomation
We understand that information can evolve over time, and we are committed to continually updating and improving our database.
This ongoing effort is made possible by the invaluable contributions of our dedicated volunteers.
Our ultimate goal is to create a comprehensive and accurate account of each hero’s story.

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