Palestinian Terrorism | December 2023

HomeTerror AttacksPalestinian Terrorism | December 2023

December 2 – A Palestinian terrorist attempted to stab Israeli reserve soldiers operating at the X junction near Nablus. The soldiers killed the Palestinian terrorist, and no injuries were reported.

December 7 – A Palestinian terrorist opened fire at a military position near Khirsa in the Yehuda Brigade. There were no injuries and no damage.

December 7 – A Palestinian armed with a Carlo rifle was caught near Elon Moreh after surveillance identified him with his weapon concealed. Soldiers who arrived at the scene captured him and brought him in for questioning. It is suspected that he was planning to carry out an attack.

December 8 – Palestinians threw stones at Israeli forces in the Hizma area, lightly injuring an IDF soldier in the head. He was evacuated to Shaare Zedek hospital. Additionally, two other soldiers were lightly injured and treated at the scene.

December 8 – Palestinian terrorists carried out a shooting attack on soldiers near Mevo Dotan, moderately injuring an IDF soldier. IDF forces began a pursuit of the Palestinian terrorists.

December 8 – A shooting occurred near the Immatin junction, targeting a vehicle in which a reserve IDF soldier was traveling. No injuries or damage were reported. Forces in the area responded with gunfire and initiated a chase. Shell casings were found during searches in the area.

December 8 – During an attempt to arrest the Palestinian terrorist who carried out the shooting at the Khirsa junction on December 7, the Palestinian terrorist attacked the forces with a knife. As a result, IDF forces opened fire and killed him. An IDF soldier was moderately injured during the incident.

December 9 – During the night, a report was received about stone-throwing at the Naalin junction. Reserve soldiers arrived at the scene, apprehended the suspect, and detained him. A knife was found on the suspect, and he was arrested.

December 17 – A reserve soldier was stabbed and moderately injured at a gas station near the Rantis junction. The Palestinian terrorist fled but was captured after a pursuit.

December 18 – A woman was injured in a shooting attack near the settlement of Atara.

December 28 – A young woman was seriously injured and a young man was moderately injured in a stabbing attack near the Mazmoriya checkpoint, near the Har Homa neighborhood in southern Jerusalem.

December 31 – Two Israelis were injured in a stabbing attack in Maale Adumim, near the Mishor Adumim industrial zone. The Palestinian terrorist was neutralized.

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Terror Attacks

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