Terrorist Sympathizer

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HomeTerrorist SympathizersHizb ut-Tahrir

Hizb ut-Tahrir

Hizb ut-Tahrir (HuT) is an extremist Islamist organization born out of hatred and radicalism in Jerusalem, Israel, in 1953—though it seeks to erase the very existence of the state of Israel. Founded by Taqiuddin al-Nabhani, this organization operates with a single, insidious goal: to dismantle nation-states, annihilate democracy, and establish a tyrannical Islamic caliphate under Sharia law. The audacity of Hizb ut-Tahrir to use Israel—the land they demonize—as their launching pad underscores their duplicity and malevolence. Their agenda is rooted in hatred, anti-Semitism, and a relentless drive to spread terror globally.

Hizb ut-Tahrir thrives on venomous propaganda, brazenly supporting terrorist organizations such as Hamas and Hezbollah, whose atrocities include the massacre of innocent civilians. HuT hides behind claims of non-violence, yet its vile rhetoric incites hatred and emboldens extremists. Its members have been directly implicated in violence, and its influence has contributed to terrorist plots in multiple nations. Make no mistake: this is not a benign group of idealists—it is an active terror organization cloaked in deceit.

Governments worldwide are waking up to the threat of Hizb ut-Tahrir. Countries like the UK and India have rightly declared it a terrorist organization, citing its open support for terrorism, celebration of heinous attacks against Israelis and Jews, and its use of social media to radicalize followers. Its so-called “peaceful mission” is a façade to recruit, agitate, and destabilize, as it openly calls for the destruction of Israel and promotes a global Islamic caliphate—a chilling vision that stands in direct opposition to freedom, democracy, and human rights.

And yet, despite its proven record of radicalization and support for violence, Hizb ut-Tahrir continues to operate in countries like Australia, exploiting legal loopholes and spreading their hate-filled ideology. How long will democracies tolerate this poison in their midst? This is an organization that cheers on massacres, opposes basic human decency, and acts as a cheerleader for some of the world’s most despicable acts of terror.

Hizb ut-Tahrir is not just a threat—it is a cancer that must be confronted and eradicated. There is no room in a civilized world for organizations that thrive on the bloodshed of innocents, seek to destroy nations, and advocate for the extermination of the Jewish state. It is long past time for the global community to recognize Hizb ut-Tahrir for what it truly is: a vile, active terrorist organization that spreads fear, hate, and violence wherever it sets foot.

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